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mimi mino 2018-12-07 21:00

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ÇáÈÍÑ ÇáåÇÏÆ 2018-12-09 18:31

Mujahid Mustafa bin Bouleaid

Mujahid algérien ayant participé à la guerre de libération algérienne, est né le 5 février 1917 à Arès, dans l'État de Batna, en Algérie, d'une famille aisée et riche de tamazight, caractérisée par une extrême religiosité et par patriotisme. Il a fait ses premières études dans sa ville natale, puis à Batna où il a rejoint l’école islamique Andijan et a étudié à l’Association algérienne des érudits musulmans. Jabria a été recruté au service de l'armée française avant le déclenchement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en 1937, ce qui lui a permis d'acquérir une expérience des armes et des tactiques de guerre. À son retour en Algérie après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il rejoignit les rangs du mouvement victorieux pour les libertés démocratiques et devint membre de sa direction suprême en 1946. Nommé en 1948 pour devenir membre du district algérien de Batna, le pouvoir fut empêché par l'autorité coloniale de remporter le second tour. Lui et son frère ont survécu à une tentative d'assassinat orchestrée par les colonialistes en 1948 à cause de son opposition à la France, l'un des architectes de la révolution algérienne, membre de l'organisation spéciale créée par le Mouvement pour la victoire de la liberté démocratique en 1947 en tant qu'organisation militaire préparant la révolution. Les cellules dirigées par Mustapha Ben Bo pour Eid ont survécu à la campagne d'arrestations de 1953. Le mouvement était plongé dans une grave crise menaçant de faire sauter tous les préparatifs en vue du déclenchement de la révolution: il a été décidé de tenir une réunion à 22 dirigeants, dirigés par Ben Bou Eid. Mustafa Ben * La nuit du 1er novembre 1954, des opérations militaires ont été menées simultanément sur tout le territoire algérien, à la suite de la guerre de libération algérienne, qui a été arrêtée le 12 novembre 1954. En février 1955, à la frontière tuniso-libyenne, alors qu'il s'apprêtait à faire venir des armes de Libye, il fut jugé par le tribunal militaire de Constantine en juin 1955 et condamné à mort. Mais il réussit à s'échapper de la prison en novembre 1955 et retourna à la direction de la révolution algérienne et livra bataille aux combats d'Evry Balah et d'Ahmar Khaddou. Il a été martyrisé le 22 mars 1956 après l'explosion d'un appareil sans fil piégé par les Français , Que Dieu bénisse les martyrs de la gloire et de l'éternité pour nos martyrs les justes

*٭ ÇáÛíãÉ ÇáÓøÇÍÑÉ ٭* 2018-12-09 20:11


ÇáÈÍÑ ÇáåÇÏÆ 2018-12-09 20:20

Mujahid Mustafa bin Bouleaid

Algerian Mujahid who participated in the Algerian war of liberation, was born February 5, 1917 in Ares, in the state of Batna, Algeria, a wealthy family and rich Tamazight, characterized by extreme religiosity and patriotism. He made his first studies in his hometown, then in Batna where he joined the Andijan Islamic School and studied at the Algerian Association of Muslim Scholars. Jabria was recruited to serve the French army before the outbreak of the Second World War in 1937, which allowed him to gain experience of weapons and tactics of war. Upon his return to Algeria after the Second World War, he joined the ranks of the victorious movement for democratic liberties and became a member of his supreme leadership in 1946. Appointed in 1948 to become a member of the Algerian district of Batna, power was prevented by the colonial authority to win the second round. He and his brother survived an assassination attempt orchestrated by the colonialists in 1948 because of his opposition to France, one of the architects of the Algerian revolution, a member of the special organization created by the Mouvement pour la victoire of democratic freedom in 1947 as a military organization preparing the revolution. The cells led by Mustapha Ben Bo for Eid survived the 1953 arrest campaign. The movement was plunged into a serious crisis threatening to blow up all the preparations for the outbreak of the revolution: it was decided to hold a meeting with 22 leaders, led by Ben Bou Eid. Mustafa Ben * On the night of November 1, 1954, military operations were carried out simultaneously throughout the Algerian territory, following the Algerian liberation war, which was arrested on November 12, 1954. In February 1955, at the Tunisian border As he was preparing to bring weapons from Libya, he was tried by the Constantine Military Court in June 1955 and sentenced to death. But he managed to escape from prison in November 1955 and returned to the leadership of the Algerian revolution and fought the battles of Evry Balah and Ahmar Khaddou. He was martyred March 22, 1956 after the explosion of a wireless device trapped by the French, God bless the martyrs of glory and eternity for our martyrs the righteous

the wanderfuL 2018-12-09 21:03

sooori ãßÇÔ

*٭ ÇáÛíãÉ ÇáÓøÇÍÑÉ ٭* 2018-12-11 14:42


mujahid mustafa bin bouleaid

algerian mujahid who participated in the algerian war of liberation, was born february 5, 1917 in ares, in the state of batna, algeria, a wealthy family and rich tamazight, characterized by extreme religiosity and patriotism. He made his first studies in his hometown, then in batna where he joined the andijan islamic school and studied at the algerian association of muslim scholars. Jabria was recruited to serve the french army before the outbreak of the second world war in 1937, which allowed him to gain experience of weapons and tactics of war. Upon his return to algeria after the second world war, he joined the ranks of the victorious movement for democratic liberties and became a member of his supreme leadership in 1946. Appointed in 1948 to become a member of the algerian district of batna, power was prevented by the colonial authority to win the second round. He and his brother survived an assassination attempt orchestrated by the colonialists in 1948 because of his opposition to france, one of the architects of the algerian revolution, a member of the special organization created by the mouvement pour la victoire of democratic freedom in 1947 as a military organization preparing the revolution. The cells led by mustapha ben bo for eid survived the 1953 arrest campaign. The movement was plunged into a serious crisis threatening to blow up all the preparations for the outbreak of the revolution: It was decided to hold a meeting with 22 leaders, led by ben bou eid. Mustafa ben * on the night of november 1, 1954, military operations were carried out simultaneously throughout the algerian territory, following the algerian liberation war, which was arrested on november 12, 1954. In february 1955, at the tunisian border as he was preparing to bring weapons from libya, he was tried by the constantine military court in june 1955 and sentenced to death. But he managed to escape from prison in november 1955 and returned to the leadership of the algerian revolution and fought the battles of evry balah and ahmar khaddou. He was martyred march 22, 1956 after the explosion of a wireless device trapped by the french, god bless the martyrs of glory and eternity for our martyrs the righteous

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beddiarDsp 2019-11-06 11:10

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djaidjaaDsp 2020-01-09 13:24

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