عرض مشاركة واحدة
2012-06-14, 07:36
الصورة الرمزية Imi Imà
Imi Imà
:: عضوة شرفية ::
تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2012
العمر : 15 - 20
الجنس : انثى
المشاركات : 2,290
تقييم المستوى : 15
Imi Imà غير متواجد حالياً
اللغـــــــــــــــــــــة الانجليزية :

الاجوبــــــــــــــــة :
PART 01: (14 PTS)
A. Reading comprehension: (07 pts)
Activity 01: (02 pts)
1. Before the internet, the British used to listen to the news.
2. They used to watch the news on TV once a day.
Activity 02: (03 pts)
1. People in Britain used to read the newspaper on the train ( while travelling to work).
2. Things became more complicated after the internet.
3. they ? people. one ? newspaper.
Activity 03: (02 pts)
1. Synonyms: probably = possibly. different = another separate.
2. Opposites: hard = easy. less = more.
B. Reading comprehension: (07 pts)
Activity 01: (01 pt)
The most popular print newspaper in Britain is the “Sun”.
Activity 02: (03 pts)
When the internet appeared, the national newspapers began to claim that they would lose all their readers.
Although, most of them who (did not use/didn't use) to love the internet have created an online version of their newspaper.
Activity 03: (02 pts)
more complicated than the most complicated
easier than
the easiest
big bigger than
the biggest

Activity 04: (01 pt)
Listen – would – while – work.

PART 02: (06 PTS)
There are many tools of getting news such as: Internet, TV, radio, newspapers, etc.
Many people prefer to get the online news because: First, they gain time. Then, there are different news in different sources. Also, the online news are almost free. In addition, you can get the news where and when you want using your laptop.
Finally, all forms of news reach various audiences in multiple ways, but the internet becomes the first one.

تصحيح غير رسمي :

في غفلة مني.. ابتلعني الوجع.. وتاهت الأفكار ما بين صحو وحلم.. رأيت طيفك يأتيني.. يلملم أشيائي المبعثرة.. فأرسمك بألوان قوس قزح.. تأتي اليّ تعانقني.. وأهيم في دنيا الخيال.. أغفو على صدرك.. وأصحو من جديد.. على عطر أنفاسك.. قل لي يا سيد الحلم.. أين أنت مني.. بغيابك غاب فجري وتبعثرت خطى الايام

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Imi Imà ; 2012-06-14 الساعة 07:39